U.S. Apparel Imports from Central America

Central America lost shares of the US apparel import market in the past quarters, reflecting difficulties for Honduras and El Salvador, whereas Nicaragua and Guatemala enjoyed strong growth. Our report offers a comprehensive view of the US apparel imports from Haiti and the CAFTA-DR (Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic) in the past four quarters of 2021-22. US imports per product category from CAFTA-DR are compared with overall shipments.

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Polyester Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

Polyester staple fiber prices continued to rise in June in China, India, and Pakistan with spinners unable to raise their offers in line. Our monthly report compares polyester staple fiber prices and polyester spun yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan in both local currency terms and US$ terms. The gross margins of spinners are also calculated. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download.
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Indonesia Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Indonesia's apparel exports rebounded sharply after the covid period, partly due to a surprising return of US buyers looking for alternatives to China. Our statistical report provides a comprehensive view of Indonesia's apparel exports in the first quarter of 2022 per destination and product category, in volume, value and unit price terms. US import data from Indonesia per product category are published, including volume, value, and unit value changes. All data are available for download.
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Cotton Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

The fall in cotton fiber prices has not been fully transmitted to cotton yarn prices in June so far, as spinners need to restore their margins amid lower demand and sales. Our report compares the cotton fiber and yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan, in the past months and the month-to-date, offering a comprehensive and updated view of the yarn/fiber spreads in the three countries. These gross margins of domestic spinners are displayed every month, with 14-year historical data available for download.
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Cambodia Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Cambodia apparel exports surged in the first months of 2022, reflecting strong demand from the US market. Shipments to the EU also rebounded, whatever the sanctions imposed in 2020. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Cambodia's clothing exports in 2016-21, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination and per HS chapter. US and EU imports per category in the first months of 2022 are also released. All data are available for download.
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