Bangladesh Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Apparel exports from Bangladesh continued to surge in the past months, as the low-cost country benefits from China’s difficulties. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Bangladesh’s clothing exports in Jan-Sep 2018-22, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination. Annual change per destination in the past months is supplied. Data also include US and EU clothing imports from Bangladesh per product category. All data are available for download.

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US Apparel Imports in Jan-Sep 2022: China vs. RoW (Quarterly)

US apparel imports from China slowed significantly in the first three quarters of the year, with cotton apparel shipments even declining over the Covid lockdowns and the ban on Xinjiang products. Our quarterly report compares US apparel imports from China with shipments from the Rest of the World (RoW) for every category of products in volume, value, and unit value terms. Historical data cover the past five years, from 2017 to 2022.
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U.S. Apparel Imports in 3rd Quarter 2022: Categories (Quarterly)

US cotton apparel imports declined in volume terms in the third quarter of 2022 reflecting a radical change in market trends of many product categories, as unit prices surged again. Our quarterly report offers a detailed analysis of US apparel imports per category through statistical tables. It displays a comprehensive view of volume, value, and unit value changes, compared with previous quarters from 2017-21. Full quarterly data are available from 1st quarter 2011.
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Inflation in Emerging Countries (Monthly)

Inflation declined in a series of low-income countries in October, reflecting higher interest rates and slowing economic activity. Our monthly report compares inflation rates in low-cost countries, with historical data available back to June 2007. The impact of currency changes vs. the US dollar, the euro, and the Sterling is also calculated to assess real terms of trade for exporters.
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US Apparel Imports in 3rd Quarter 2022: Origins (Quarterly)

US apparel imports slowed down significantly in the third quarter over a fast exit out of China benefiting low-income Asian countries. Our quarterly report covers US apparel imports per origin in the third quarter 2022. Data include volume, value, and unit value changes, with market shares in the last five years. Quarterly data covering the 2017-22 period are available for download
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