Cotton Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

The fall in cotton prices over the last three months has led to varying trends in cotton yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Our report compares the prices of cotton fiber and yarn in these three countries for both the previous months and the current month, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date perspective on the yarn/fiber spreads in each of them. Gross margins of domestic spinners are presented on a monthly basis, with 16 years of historical data available for download.

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Emerging Currencies: November 2023 (Monthly)

The Euro and the Pound have rebounded sharply against the US dollar in November, resulting in a significant decline of emerging currencies for European importers. Our monthly statistical report displays a comprehensive view of currency values in low-income countries against the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Indian Rupee, the Pakistani Rupee, and the Chinese Renminbi over the last five years.
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China Apparel Exports (Quarterly Report)

China's apparel exports began to recover in the third quarter of 2023 in terms of volumes, thanks to a sharp decline in unit prices. Our quarterly report provides a comprehensive overview of China's exports, encompassing volume, value, and unit values for each destination, spanning the past four years. Four-year indices have been released to assess the pandemic's influence. Reports on knit, woven, and total apparel exports are presented individually. All data are readily accessible for download.
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US Apparel Imports in 3rd Quarter 2023: Origins (Quarterly)

Unit values of Chinese apparel exports to the US market experienced a significant decline in the third quarter, enabling China to recapture a share of the market in terms of volume. Overall imports continued to decline dramatically. Our quarterly report provides comprehensive coverage of US apparel imports by origin, encompassing changes in volume, value, and unit value, along with market shares over the past five years. You can access and download quarterly data for the period spanning from 2011 to 2023.
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U.S. Apparel Imports: September 2023 (Monthly)

China benefited from a significant drop in unit prices for its shipments to the US apparel market in September, signaling the resurgence of US buyers' interest in this major source of goods. Our report offers a monthly comparison of shipments from China, Vietnam, and other nations, presenting import data in terms of volumes, values, and unit values. Furthermore, the report delves into historical trends spanning from 2000 to 2023. Additionally, it includes an analysis of apparel crafted from cotton as opposed to man-made fibers.
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