Goose and Duck Down Prices in China (Monthly)

Goose-down fiber prices surged in the last few weeks in China, over a sharp rise in demand for jackets during this unusually cold winter in China. This report displays prices for goose and duck down in China using the GB-T14272-2011 standard. Tables and charts are available to help you see the latest trends. Daily and historical data are available for download.

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Goose and Duck Down Prices in China (Quarterly)

Goose-down fiber prices surged in the last few weeks in China, over a sharp rise in demand for jackets during this unusually cold winter in China. This report displays prices for goose and duck down in China using the GB-T14272-2011 standard. Tables and charts are available to help you see the latest trends. Daily and historical data are available for download.
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E.U. Clothing Imports : Latest Trends (Monthly)

EU clothing imports dropped less dramatically in November than in the two preceding months. The report provides monthly data on the EU-27's clothing imports, focusing on China versus the Rest of the World (RoW) and Bangladesh, with a specific distinctions between knitted and woven clothing. The data is available in both Euros and US dollars, and historical information dating back to January 2002 can be downloaded.
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Minimum Wages in Apparel Manufacturing Countries

Minimum wages have been increased in low-income countries as of January 1st. However, when factoring in inflation, the minimum wages have shown minimal growth over the past nine years, and in some countries, they have even declined, leading to social unrest, as seen in Bangladesh. Our report presents minimum wages in low-cost apparel manufacturing countries in Asia from 2015 to 2024, both in local currency and US$ terms. Real wages have been calculated, and we provide a 9-year comparison in local currency terms, 2015 US$ terms, and nominal US$ terms. You can download the data for your reference.
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U.S. Apparel Imports: November 2023 (Monthly)

US apparel imports reached historically low levels in November, although falling less significantly from a year earlier due to base effects. Our report provides a comprehensive picture of monthly US apparel imports with a specific focus on shipments from China and Vietnam. The report displays import data in terms of volumes, values, and unit values. Furthermore, the report explores historical trends spanning from 2000 to 2023. Additionally, it includes an analysis of apparel crafted from cotton compared to those made from man-made fibers.
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