Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)

Spun yarn prices have experienced a significant increase in Bangladesh over the past four weeks, with variations depending on the specific products. Our monthly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, cotton organic and BCI, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.

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US Apparel Imports in 4th Quarter 2023: Categories (Quarterly)

The unit prices of US apparel imports experienced a significant decline in the fourth quarter of 2023. However, compared to their levels five years earlier, there was an overall increase. The results varied significantly depending on product categories. Our report encompasses US apparel imports within each category from the fourth quarter of 2018 to 2023. The data includes information on volume, value, and unit values over the past five years. Fourth-quarter data spanning from 2011 to 2023 are available for download.
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China Apparel Exports (Quarterly)

China's apparel exports recovered in the last quarter of 2023 in volumes, falling less significantly in values, due to base effects. Our quarterly report provides a comprehensive overview of China's apparel exports, encompassing volume, value, and unit values for each destination, over the past four years. Reports on knit, woven, and total apparel exports are presented separately. All data are readily accessible for download.
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Inflation in Emerging Countries (Monthly)

Inflation rates are no more declining in emerging economies, reflecting a potential rebound in production costs. Our monthly report compares inflation rates in low-cost countries, utilizing historical data dating back to June 2007. Furthermore, we assess the impact of currency fluctuations against the US dollar, the euro, and the British pound to gauge the real terms of trade for exporters.
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Wool Prices In Australia (Weekly)

Another week, and another fall in wool prices in Australia, the fifth in a row, but with signs of a possible rebound. Our report provides a comprehensive analysis of wool prices in Australia, encompassing most micron types, and is presented in Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD), and Euros (EUR). Additionally, historical data covering the past decade is available for download.
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