E.U. Clothing Imports : Latest Trends (Monthly)

The EU’s apparel import market has fully recovered, with a significant surge observed in April compared to a year earlier. The report provides monthly data on the EU-27’s clothing imports, focusing on China versus the Rest of the World (RoW) and Bangladesh, with a specific distinctions between knitted and woven clothing. The data is available in both Euros and US dollars, and historical information dating back to January 2002 can be downloaded.

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Inflation in Emerging Countries (Monthly)

Inflation surged further in May in Turkey, while falling significantly in Pakistan. Our monthly report compares inflation rates in low-cost countries, utilizing historical data dating back to 2010. Furthermore, we assess the impact of currency fluctuations against the US dollar, the euro, and the British pound to gauge the real terms of trade for exporters.
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E.U Clothing Imports in 1st Quarter 2024: Categories

The European Union's clothing imports exhibited significant variations across different product categories in the first quarter of 2024. Our report highlights notable disparities in volumes, values, and unit prices, reflecting a complex and multifaceted shift in trade dynamics within the clothing industry. The data encompass clothing imports by the 27 EU member states, categorized by HS 4-digit product codes, covering the first quarter from 2019 to 2024. It details changes in volume, value, and unit value in both euros and US dollars. Comprehensive tables are available for download.
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Wool Prices In Australia (Weekly)

Wool prices rose for the third consecutive week in Australia. Our report provides a comprehensive analysis of wool prices in Australia, encompassing most micron types, and is presented in Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD), and Euros (EUR). Additionally, historical data covering the past decade is available for download.
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Organic and BCI Cotton Prices (Monthly)

Over the past four weeks, organic and BCI cotton prices have declined in both India and Pakistan, though the rates of decrease have differed. Our monthly report on organic and BCI cotton prices covers the latest market trends in India and Pakistan, including the price differences between sustainable and conventional cotton. Average monthly data are also released.
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