Polyester Chain Prices in Asia (Weekly)

Polyester material prices have increased in the past seven days in Asia, driven by higher costs along the supply chain and lower inventory levels. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the prices for essential components within the polyester chain, including paraxylene (PX), purified terephthalic acid (PTA), monoethylene glycol (MEG), polyester chips, staple fiber, and filament yarn. Furthermore, it includes domestic price data for both China and India, all of which is readily available for users to download.

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Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Cotton prices are no longer declining in the international market, showing strong support due to several factors. This report covers the cotton futures markets in New York and China, as well as international prices by origin and domestic markets in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Brazil. Additionally, we provide access to daily and historical data for download.
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