Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

The price difference between cotton and polyester staple fibers shifted over the last month in China, India, and Pakistan. Our monthly report offers a detailed comparison of average cotton and PSF prices in China, India, and Pakistan, providing insights into both current and historical trends in the price disparity between cotton and polyester. It includes historical data covering the last 15 years, available for download.

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Emerging Currencies: July 2024 (Monthly)

The US Federal Reserve will lower its interest rates in September, ushering the currency market into a new phase as a result. Our monthly statistical report presents a comprehensive overview of currency values in low-income nations relative to the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Indian rupee, the Pakistani rupee, and the Chinese renminbi over the past five years.
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Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Raw materials costs remained elevated in the viscose industry. Our weekly viscose report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose and 80/20 poly-viscose yarns in China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Turkey are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
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