E.U Clothing Imports in 4th Quarter 2024: Categories

EU apparel imports experienced a strong rebound in Q4 2024, with knit clothing driving most of the growth, while woven clothing also expanded at a moderate pace; however, declining unit values across categories suggest ongoing price competition and cost adjustments in sourcing. Our report highlights notable disparities in volumes, values, and unit prices, reflecting a complex and multifaceted shift in trade dynamics within the clothing industry. The data encompass clothing imports by the 27 EU member states, categorized by HS 4-digit product codes, covering the 4th quarter from 2019 to 2024. It details changes in volume, value, and unit value in both euros and US dollars. Comprehensive tables are available for download.

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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Textile fiber prices showed mixed trends this week, with cotton and synthetic fibers continuing to decline, viscose remaining stable, and wool strengthening as the best-performing fiber. Our weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.
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Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

Cotton prices continued to decline in January 2025, while polyester staple fiber remained stable, leading to a narrowing price gap that may influence textile industry trends. Our monthly report offers a detailed comparison of average cotton and PSF prices in China, India, and Pakistan, providing insights into both current and historical trends in the price disparity between cotton and polyester. It includes historical data covering the last 15 years, available for download.
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Wool Prices In Australia and South Africa (Weekly)

The Australian wool market saw strong price gains this week, driven by reduced supply, robust demand, and currency fluctuations, while the Reserve Bank of Australia's recent rate cut adds an element of uncertainty to future market dynamics. This report provides a detailed analysis of wool prices in both Australia and South Africa, covering a wide range of micron types. Prices are presented in Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD), and Euros (EUR). Historical data spanning the past decade is also available for download. Additionally, Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) prices are accessible for South African markets.
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US Apparel Imports: Origin Comparison (Quarterly)

U.S. apparel imports continued to grow in 2024, with notable volume increases from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh, while China’s share declined as buyers diversified sourcing ahead of a 20% additional tariff, leading to rising unit values from alternative suppliers and shifting market dynamics across cotton and man-made fiber apparel categories.Our report provides a comprehensive comparison of changes in import volume, value, and unit prices by origin and product type. The full table, containing all data points and analyses, is available for download.
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