US Apparel Import Reports
US Apparel imports per origin and product category. China vs. Rest of the Word. Full origin comparison. More

EU Apparel Import Reports
EU apparel imports per origin and product category. Complete origin comparison per product category.

Country Reports
Apparel exports from low-cost countries, including China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, etc. Volumes, values, unit prices.

US Apparel Import Database
Volume, value, unit values per product category and origin. US quota categories and specific products.

EU Apparel Import Database
Volume, value and unit value per origin. HS 4-digit product categories and specific products.

Inflation Report
Inflation rates of emerging countries are updated on a monthly basis. Analysis of shat and long-term trends per country.

Currency Report
Monthly value changes of most emerging currencies vs. USD, EUR, GBP, RMB, INR, and PKR. Currency trend analysis.

Wage Report
Minimum wages in emerging countries are updated every quarter, with their annual change since 2015 in local currency and USD.

China Costs
Producer prices, purchasing prices, consumer prices, Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), minimum wages and apparel export data.