Cotton Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

Gross margins fell significantly in the past months at cotton yarn plants in China, due to elevated cotton prices. Our report compares the prices of cotton fiber and yarn in China, India, and Pakistan for the past months and the month-to-date, offering a comprehensive and updated view of the yarn/fiber spreads in the three countries. Gross margins of domestic spinners are displayed every month, with 14-year historical data available for download.

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U.S. Apparel Imports: May 2023 (Monthly)

China's share of the US apparel import market rebounded in May, leading to a slower decline in total shipments. Our report offers a monthly comparison of overall shipments from China, Vietnam, and other countries. Import data is provided in terms of volumes, values, and unit values, and historical trends are analyzed from 2000 to 2023. The report also includes an analysis of apparel made from cotton versus man-made fibers.
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Emerging Currencies: June and 1st Half 2023 (Monthly)

Currencies were volatile over the first half in a few countries confronted with a financial crisis. Our monthly statistical report displays a comprehensive view of currency values in low-income countries against the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Indian rupee, the Pak. Rupee and the Chinese renminbi over the last five years.
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Spandex Chain Prices in China (Monthly)

Spandex prices continued to fall in the last few weeks in China, over lower material costs and a drop in seasonal demand. Our monthly report covers spandex, MDI, and PTMEG prices on the domestic Chinese market, with weekly margin trends at spandex plants. Price offers of major spandex producers are also released. Daily data over the last 12 months and monthly average prices over ten years are available for download.
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E.U. Clothing Imports : Latest Trends (Monthly)

Clothing imports by EU fell at a higher rate in April than in preceding months, while Chinese shipments contracted less dramatically. Our report presents monthly EU-27 imported clothing data classified by origin, with emphasis specifically on historical trends between China compared to the Rest of the World (RoW) and Bangladesh on one hand, and knit versus woven clothing on the other hand. We provide data in both Euros and US dollars, with historical data available for download from January 2002.
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