US Apparel Imports in 2nd Quarter 2024: Origins (Quarterly)

China’s share of the US apparel import market declined in the second quarter of 2024, signaling a shift towards diversification in US sourcing, with India, Bangladesh, and, to a lesser extent, Vietnam benefiting from this change. Our quarterly report provides comprehensive coverage of US apparel imports by origin, encompassing changes in volume, value, and unit value, along with market shares over the past five years. You can access and download quarterly data for the period from 2012 to 2024.

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Polyester Fibers: China, India, Pakistan  (Weekly)

Demand for Polyester Fibers remains depressed in Asia. Our weekly report provides a comprehensive picture of polyester staple fiber (PSF) and polyester filament yarn (POY, DTY, and FDY) markets in China, India, and Pakistan. The report offers weekly updated data in both local currencies and US dollars to make easy comparisons with our extensive price tables. All of the data is available for download.
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Cotton Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)

Cotton yarn prices have been impacted by recent trends in cotton fiber prices as well as the situation in Bangladesh. Our weekly report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
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Pakistan Fiber and Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Cotton yarn prices stayed firm in Pakistan, although yarn imports surged. Our weekly review offers a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's domestic and export yarn markets. It comprises price data for a range of yarn types, encompassing cotton yarns, polyester-cotton blends, polyester-viscose blends, polyester-spun yarns, and viscose-spun yarns. Data are accessible for download.
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India Fiber and Yarn Prices (Weekly)

India's cotton yarn exports are facing negative impacts due to the ongoing political crisis in Bangladesh. Our weekly report tracks the price movements of various fibers in the Indian market, covering cotton, polyester, and viscose. It also offers detailed insights into various yarn types, including carded and combed cotton, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% polyester, and 100% viscose. The report also displays export prices for cotton yarn.
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