EU Knit Clothing Category Import Database – EU Knit Clothing Category Imports:Women/Girls Knit Shirts (HS 6106) Market Shares Chart

Women/Girls Knit Shirts (HS 6106) Tables:     Volume-Value Change              Unit Value Change                            Unit Value Comparison Charts:    Market Shares                          5-Year U.V. Data:      .csv File Back

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EU Knit Clothing Category Import Database – EU Knit Clothing Category Imports:Women/Girls Knit Shirts (HS 6106) Volume Value Change Table

Women/Girls Knit Shirts (HS 6106) Tables:    Volume-Value Change              Unit Value Change              Unit Value Comparison Charts:    Market Shares                           5-Year U.V. Data:      .csv File EU Clothing Import Categories: Women/Girls Knit ShirtsCategory: 6106Values are In Euros, Volumes in 100 KG, Unit Values in Euros/KGQ1 24Q1 23Q1 24Q1 23Q1 24Q1 23Q1 24Q1 23Q1 24ValueVolumeVolumeValueValueVolumeVolumeVolumeVolumeEuros% Chge% Chge% Chge% Chge% Share% Share2019 = ... Read more
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EU Knit Clothing Category Import Database – EU Knit Clothing Category Imports:Women/Girls Knit Shirts (HS 6106) Csv

Women/Girls Knit Shirts (HS 6106) Tables:     Volume-Value Change              Unit Value Change                            Unit Value Comparison Charts:    Market Shares                          5-Year U.V. Data:      .csv File Csv File Back
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EU Knit Clothing Category Import Database – EU Knit Clothing Category Imports:Men/Boys Knit Shirts (HS 6105) Unit Value Change Table

Men/Boys Knit Shirts (HS 6105) Tables:    Volume-Value Change              Unit Value Change              Unit Value Comparison Charts:    Market Shares                           5-Year U.V. Data:      .csv File EU Clothing Import Categories: Men/Boys Knit ShirtsCategory: 6105Values are In Euros, Volumes in 100 KG, Unit Values in Euros/KGQ1 24Q1 23Q1 24Q1 23Q1 24Unit ValueUnit ValueUnit ValueUnit ValueUnit ValueEuros / KG% Change% Change2019 = 1002019 ... Read more
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EU Clothing Imports: Markets (Quarterly)

EU's clothing imports rebounded in the past year, although not returning yet to their level before the pandemic after Brexit boosted direct shipments to the UK. Our 5-year data cover the third quarter and the first three quarters over the last five years from 2016. The report reflects long-term European Union clothing market trends, offering a comprehensive review of the EU's imports per destination. The UK is excluded. Our statistical report provides volume, value, and unit value changes released in both euro and US$ terms. The full table is available for download.
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