U.S. Apparel Imports: February 2023 (Monthly)

US apparel imports plunged more significantly in February, a clear sign of the current deterioration in the market. Our report covers monthly US apparel imports, comparing shipments from most origins in the last month and the year-to-date. Import data are available in volume, value, and unit value terms. Historical trends are analyzed over the 2000-2023 period, including cotton vs. man-made fiber apparel, China vs. Vietnam, and the Rest of the World (RoW).

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US Apparel Imports: Origin Comparison (Quarterly)

Unit prices of US apparel imports surged in most categories in 2022, whatever their origin. Imports from China were heavily depressed by the Xinjiang ban and the Covid lockdowns, benefiting Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Indonesia primarily, with large differences depending on categories. Our series of statistical tables offer a comprehensive comparison of volume, value, and unit value changes per origin and product category in full 2022. The report also includes a detailed comparison of Chinese price trends vs. other origins through a series of indexes. Unit value changes in percentage terms and market shares per category and per origin are also released. Our full table is available for download.
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EU Clothing Imports in 4th Quarter 2022: Origins

Clothing imports slightly rose in the last quarter of 2022 in volumes, falling from a series of origins, including China, India, or Morocco and surging from Vietnam and Myanmar. Our comprehensive report covers the fourth quarters of 2017-22 for knit, woven, and total apparel imports from outside the EU-27 area. Data include volume, value, and unit value changes in both euro and US$ terms. Data covering Q4 2017-22 are available for download.
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Emerging Currencies: March and 1st Quarter 2023 (Monthly)

The US dollar fell against most emerging currencies in March. The Sri Lankan rupee sharply rebounded, whereas the Pakistani rupee plunged further. Our monthly statistical report displays a comprehensive view of currency values in low-income countries against the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Indian rupee, the Pak. Rupee and the Chinese renminbi over the last four years.
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US Apparel Imports in 2022: China vs. RoW (Quarterly)

China lost shares of the US apparel import market in 2022, with its shipments plunging from their level before the pandemic amid surging unit prices. Our quarterly report compares US apparel imports from China with shipments from the Rest of the World (RoW) for every category of products in volume, value, and unit value terms. Historical data cover the past five years, from 2017 to 2022.
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