Turkey Apparel Exports (Quarterly Report)

Trukey’s apparel exports declined in volume in the third quarter of 2022, although staying strong to Germany, France, or the United States. Our quarterly report offers a comprehensive view of Turkey’s apparel exports in volume, value, and unit values per destination over the last four years. Knit, woven, and total apparel exports are separately published. EU and US import data are released per product category. All data are available for download.

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Minimum Wages in Apparel Manufacturing Countries

Minimum wages were raised in many low-cost countries in the past weeks, as a result of a stronger rise in consumer prices. Over the long term, however, real wages fell or rose very slightly, far from the commitments of Western brands and retailers. Our report displays minimum wages in low-cost apparel manufacturing countries in Asia, from 2015 to 2023, in local currency and US$ terms. An 8-year comparison is available in local currency terms, 2015 US$ terms, and nominal US$ terms.
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China Apparel Exports (Quarterly Report)

China's apparel exports began dropping at the end of last year, over the negative impact of Covid-related supply chain disruption. Shipments to the United States fell in volumes, whereas exports to Europe remained robust. Our quarterly report offers a comprehensive view of China's exports in volume, value, and unit values per destination over the last four years. 3-year indexes are released to evaluate the impact of the pandemic. Knit, woven, and total apparel exports are separately published. All data are available for download.
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Emerging Currencies: December and Full 2022 (Monthly)

The US dollar fell against most currencies in December offering room for a rebound in apparel trade in the first months of 2023. Our monthly statistical report displays a comprehensive view of currency values in low-income countries against the US dollar, the euro, the British pound, the Indian rupee, the Pak. Rupee and the Chinese renminbi over the last four years.
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EU Clothing Imports in January-September 2022: Origins

EU clothing imports continued to surge in the first three quarters of 2022, with China losing markets shares over a shift in demand to Bangladesh and other origins. Our comprehensive report covers the first three quarters of 2022 for knit, woven, and total apparel imports from outside the EU-27 area. Many statistical tables are released, with volume, value, and unit value changes in both euro and US$ terms. Data covering Jan-Sep 2017-22 are available for download.
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