Cambodia Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Cambodia apparel exports surged in the first months of 2022, reflecting strong demand from the US market. Shipments to the EU also rebounded, whatever the sanctions imposed in 2020. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Cambodia’s clothing exports in 2016-21, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination and per HS chapter. US and EU imports per category in the first months of 2022 are also released. All data are available for download.

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Sri Lanka Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Sri Lanka's apparel exports resisted the financial and political crises experienced by the country, thanks to the dramatic fall of the local currency. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Sri Lanka's clothing exports in the first months of 2022, and in 2016-21, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination and per HS chapter. US and EU imports per category in the first months of 2022 are also released. All data are available for download.
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Myanmar Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Myanmar's apparel exports began rebounding in the first quarter of 2022, after suffering from the disastrous consequences of the pandemic and of the military coup. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Myanmar's clothing exports in Q4 2017-21, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination and per HS chapter. US and EU imports per category in the first months of 2022 are also released. All data are available for download.
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US Apparel Imports in 1st Quarter 2022: Origins (Quarterly)

US apparel imports surged further from many countries in the first quarter with Bangladesh taking significant shares of the market. Our quarterly report covers US apparel imports per origin in the first quarter 2022. Data include volume, value, and unit value changes, with market shares in the last five years. Quarterly data covering the 2017-22 period are available for download
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Minimum Wages in Apparel Manufacturing Countries

Food inflation is set to accelerate globally. Despite this, minimum wages have largely been stagnant in apparel manufacturing economies. Governments have limited or no capacity to respond due to economic weakness, high indebtedness and political turmoil. Our report displays minimum wages in low-cost apparel manufacturing countries in Asia, from January 2015 to May 2022, in local currency and US$ terms. A 6-year comparison is available in local currency terms, 2015 US$ terms, and nominal US$ terms. Minimum wages in China are also displayed.
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