U.S. Apparel Imports: September 2023 (Monthly)

China benefited from a significant drop in unit prices for its shipments to the US apparel market in September, signaling the resurgence of US buyers’ interest in this major source of goods. Our report offers a monthly comparison of shipments from China, Vietnam, and other nations, presenting import data in terms of volumes, values, and unit values. Furthermore, the report delves into historical trends spanning from 2000 to 2023. Additionally, it includes an analysis of apparel crafted from cotton as opposed to man-made fibers.

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U.S. Apparel Imports: August 2023 (Monthly)

US apparel imports fell more significantly in value in August compared to the previous month, due to a decline in unit prices for the first time in more than two years. Our report provides a monthly comparison of overall shipments from China, Vietnam, and other countries. Import data is presented in volumes, values, and unit values. Historical trends from 2000 to 2023 are also analyzed. Additionally, the report includes an analysis of apparel made from cotton versus man-made fibers.
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US Apparel Imports: Origin Comparison (Quarterly)

US apparel imports fell tremendously in the first half of 2023 with sharp differences depending on product categories and origins. Our series of statistical tables offer a comprehensive comparison of volume, value, and unit value changes per origin and product category in the first half of 2023. The report also includes a detailed comparison of Chinese price trends vs. other origins through a series of indexes. Unit value changes in percentage terms and market shares per category and per origin are also released. Our full table is available for download.
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U.S. Apparel Imports: July 2023 (Monthly)

US apparel imports fell at a significantly slower pace in July. China did not benefit from this recovery. Our report provides a monthly comparison of overall shipments from China, Vietnam, and other countries. Import data is presented in volumes, values, and unit values, and historical trends are analyzed from 2000 to 2023. Additionally, the report includes an analysis of apparel made from cotton versus man-made fibers.
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US Apparel Imports in 1st Half 2023: China vs. RoW (Quarterly)

US apparel imports from China fell more significantly than shipments from other origins in the first half of 2023. However, the deflation in China could boost US demand. Our quarterly report compares US apparel imports from China with shipments from the Rest of the World (RoW) for every category of products in volume, value, and unit value terms. Historical data cover the first quarter in the past five years, from 2018 to 2023.
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