Bangladesh Cotton Yarn Indicator Monthly

Cotton Yarn Prices in Bangladesh Tables: Weekly  Monthly Charts: 3 Months 1-Year Index 5-Year Index Data: Weekly (csv) Monthly (csv) Cotton Yarn Prices in Bangladesh: Benchmark Indicator30s Carded Cotton Knitting - In US$ per kilo, Ex-WorkAverage Monthly PriceCotton CardedCotton CardedCotton Carded30s30s30sRing KnittingRing KnittingRing KnittingUS$/Kg1 Year = 1005 Years = 100 Oct 243.0692102 Nov 242.968999 Dec 242.958998 Jan 252.968999 Feb 252.938898 Mar 252.9288971 Month-0.011 Month (%)-0.23%3-Month-0.033 Month (%)-0.90%1-Year (%)-11.95%5-Year (%) (1998-2024)
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Bangladesh Cotton Yarn Indicator Weekly

Cotton Yarn Prices in Bangladesh Tables: Weekly  Monthly Charts: 3 Months 1-Year Index 5-Year Index Data: Weekly (csv) Monthly (csv) Cotton Yarn Prices in Bangladesh: Benchmark Indicator30s Carded Cotton Knitting - In US$ per kilo, Ex-WorkCotton CardedCotton CardedCotton Carded30s30s30sRing KnittingRing KnittingRing KnittingUS$/Kg1 Year = 1005 Years = 10017 Feb 252.929510524 Feb 252.91951053 Mar 252.909510510 Mar 252.929510517 Mar 252.95951051-Week0.031-Week (%)1.03%4-Week0.034-Week (%)1.03%3-Month0.003-Month (%)0.00%1-Year (%) (1998-2025)
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Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)

Cotton yarn prices have begun to drop in Bangladesh, following the overall decline in cotton prices. Our monthly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.
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Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)

Spun yarn prices have experienced a significant increase in Bangladesh over the past four weeks, with variations depending on the specific products. Our monthly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, cotton organic and BCI, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.
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