Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)

Spun yarn prices rebounded in the last few weeks in Bangladesh, reflecting the recovery in apparel export sales. Our quarterly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, cotton organic and BCI, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.

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Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)

Yarn prices stopped falling in the past few weeks in Bangladesh, in line with the latest trends on the international market. Our quarterly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, cotton organic and BCI, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.
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Bangladesh Cotton Yarns Monthly csv

Cotton Yarn Prices in Bangladesh: Domestic market Tables: Weekly  Monthly Charts: 3 Months 3-Month Index Data: Weekly (csv) Monthly (csv)
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Bangladesh Other Yarns Monthly csv

Other Yarn Prices in Bangladesh: Domestic market Tables: Weekly  Monthly Charts: 3 Months 3-Month Index Data: Weekly (csv) Monthly (csv)
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Bangladesh Other Yarns Monthly

Other Than Cotton Yarn Prices in Bangladesh Tables: Weekly  Monthly Charts: 3 Months 3-Month Index Data: Weekly (csv) Monthly (csv) No content found
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