Cambodia Apparel Exports (Country Report)
Cambodia apparel exports surged in the first months of 2022, reflecting strong demand from the US market. Shipments to the EU also rebounded, whatever the sanctions imposed in 2020. Our statistical series provide a comprehensive view of Cambodia's clothing exports in 2016-21, including volume, value, and unit value changes per destination and per HS chapter. US and EU imports per category in the first months of 2022 are also released. All data are available for download.
Cambodia Apparel Exports (Country Report)
Our statistical series provides a comprehensive view of Cambodia's clothing exports in second quarters 2016-2021, including volume, value, and unit value changes over the last four years. Data also include US apparel imports from Cambodia per product category over Jan-Sep 2021 and EU clothing imports per category in the first half 2021. All data are available for download. Read more...