China Production Costs

Our monthly reports cover the latest trends in production costs in China, with a focus on producer prices in the textile and apparel industries. Purchasing prices are also released, including textile raw materials or energy prices. Consumer prices and apparel export data complete the comprehensive picture. 

China Textile & Clothing Production Costs (Monthly)

China's apparel exports experienced a significant increase in February, following substantial price reductions aimed at reducing excess capacities. Our comprehensive statistical report provides an in-depth analysis of China's production costs and consumer prices, with a specific emphasis on the textile and clothing sectors.
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China Textile & Clothing Production Costs (Monthly)

Chinese authorities have released slightly improved results, albeit primarily influenced by base effects. Despite these marginal gains, the deflationary trend appears firmly entrenched. Our comprehensive statistical report provides an in-depth analysis of China's production costs and consumer prices, with a specific emphasis on the textile and clothing sectors.
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