Cotton Price Reports (Weekly)

Our cotton reports are released every week offering a comprehensive view of the global cotton market, including New York’s Cotton Futures, the Physical market indicator, and domestic markets in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Brazil: Sample Report

Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Cotton prices fell across the board in the past week. This report covers the cotton futures markets in New York and China, as well as international prices by origin and domestic markets in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Brazil. Additionally, we provide access to daily and historical data for download.
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Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Cotton prices failed to rebound in the past week, while a new prospective study reveals how the international market share is expected to increase over the next ten years. This report covers the cotton futures markets in New York and China, as well as international prices by origin and domestic markets in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Brazil. Additionally, we provide access to daily and historical data for download.
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Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Cotton prices may have hit a long-term low at approximately 70 cents per pound. Here are the reasons why. This report covers the cotton futures markets in New York and China, as well as international prices by origin and domestic markets in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Brazil. Additionally, we provide access to daily and historical data for download. Read more...

Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Cotton futures in New York declined further last week, but they remained stable in local markets in Asia. This report covers the cotton futures markets in New York and China, as well as international prices by origin and domestic markets in China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Brazil. Additionally, we provide access to daily and historical data for download.
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