EU Clothing Imports: Origins

Our statistical report covers clothing imports in the EU per quarter for both knitted and woven clothing categories from a large number of origins. It monitors the percentage changes in volume, value, and unit value terms, in euros and US dollars. The data is available for download, covering the same quarter over a five-year period.

EU Clothing Imports in 1st Quarter 2024: Origins

Chinese shipments to the EU clothing market surged in the first quarter of 2024, thanks to a sharp decline in unit prices. Results varied significantly among the different origins. Our comprehensive report covers the fourth quarters of 2018 to 2023 for knit, woven, and total apparel imports from outside the EU-27 area. The data includes volume, value, and unit value changes in both Euro and US dollar terms. Full data are available for download.
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EU Clothing Imports in 4th Quarter 2023: Origins

EU clothing imports continued to decline significantly in the fourth quarter of 2023, with most suppliers hit by a double-digit fall. Our comprehensive report covers the fourth quarters of 2018 to 2023 for knit, woven, and total apparel imports from outside the EU-27 area. The data includes volume, value, and unit value changes in both Euro and US dollar terms. Full data are available for download.
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EU Clothing Imports in 3rd Quarter 2023: Origins

China and Bangladesh remained the two leading suppliers of the EU's clothing import market in the third quarter of 2023, while Turkey struggled behind. Our comprehensive report covers the second quarters of 2018 to 2023 for knit, woven, and total apparel imports from outside the EU-27 area. The data includes volume, value, and unit value changes in both Euro and US dollar terms. Data covering Q3 2018 to 2023 is available for download. Read more...