International Yarn Market Price Reports

The weekly report covers the international cotton yarn market with data focusing on China’s Cotton Yarn Imports and cotton Yarn Exports from India and Pakistan.

Cotton Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)

Cotton yarn prices have been impacted by recent trends in cotton fiber prices as well as the situation in Bangladesh. Our weekly report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
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Cotton Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)

The revolution in Bangladesh could have significant global repercussions for the cotton yarn market. Our weekly report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories. Read more...

Cotton Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)

The cotton yarn prices have fallen across the board in the past week on the international market. Our weekly report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
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Cotton Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)

Cotton yarn export prices stabilized in the international market, ahead of significant changes in structural trends. Our weekly report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
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