Apparel Exports

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Pakistan Apparel Exports

Our statistical report provides a comprehensive overview of Pakistan’s apparel exports by destination and product category, encompassing volume, value, and unit value terms. Additionally, it includes data on US and EU apparel imports from Pakistan, categorized by product category, with detailed information on volume, value, and unit prices.

Pakistan Apparel Exports (Country Report)

Pakistan apparel exports fell in dollar terms in the past months, however still rising in volumes and rupees. Our report offers a comprehensive view of Pakistan's apparel exports in volume, value, and unit values per destination over the last four years. Knit, woven, and total apparel exports are separately published. EU and US import data are released per product category. All data are available for download. Read more...

Pakistan Apparel Exports (Quarterly Report)

Apparel exports jumped from Pakistan in the first three quarters of the year. Shipments also surged from their level two years ago, as a clear sign that Pakistan took advantage of China's decline on the global clothing market. Our statistical series provides a comprehensive view of Pakistan's apparel exports in the 2nd quarter 2017-21. Knit, woven, and total apparel export data per destination are available with volume, value, and unit value changes. US and EU imports from Pakistan are also published for a large number of product