Polyester Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison Reports

Our reports compare the polyester fiber and yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan, offering a comprehensive and updated view of the yarn/fiber spreads in the three countries. Monthly updated 15-year historical data are available for download.

Polyester Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

Gross margins of polyester spun yarn producers improved in the first two weeks of November in China and india, whereas plunging in Pakistan. Our monthly report compares polyester staple fiber prices and polyester spun yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan in both local currency terms and US$ terms. The gross margins of spinners are also calculated. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download. Read more...

Polyester Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

Polyester fiber prices fell in September with margins declining at spinning mills in China and India, however. Pakistani yarn producers benefited from a rebound in their prices. Our monthly report compares polyester staple fiber prices and polyester spun yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan in both local currency terms and US$ terms. The gross margins of spinners are also calculated. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download.
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Polyester Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

Polyester staple fiber prices continued to rise in June in China, India, and Pakistan with spinners unable to raise their offers in line. Our monthly report compares polyester staple fiber prices and polyester spun yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan in both local currency terms and US$ terms. The gross margins of spinners are also calculated. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download.
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Polyester Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)

Polyester fiber prices rose further in China and Pakistan in May, whereas staying frozen in India, with spinners struggling for improving their margins. Our monthly report compares polyester staple fiber prices and polyester spun yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan in both local currency terms and US$ terms. The gross margins of spinners are also calculated. Historical data back to 2007 are available for download.
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