Fiber Reports

Yarn Reports

Apparel Reports

Price Reports

Our Price Reports offer a full series of tables and charts with our market analysis of latest and future trends.

Price Reports are updated every week, month, or quarter depending on topics.

They include links to comprehensive tables and historical csv files. 

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Polyester Chain Prices in Asia (Weekly)

Falling crude oil prices have again driven down polyester chain prices this week. Polyester fiber prices expected to decline due to a drop in intermediate costs and fiber demand. This report offers a comprehensive overview of the prices for essential components within the polyester chain, including paraxylene (PX), purified terephthalic acid (PTA), monoethylene glycol (MEG), polyester chips, staple fiber, and filament yarn. Furthermore, it includes domestic price data for both China and India, all of which is readily available for users to download.
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Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)

Decline in spun yarn prices in Bangladesh reflects impact of imports and economic conditions. Our monthly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.
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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Most textile fiber prices fell across the board in the first two weeks of November. Our new weekly report offers a comprehensive view of the benchmark indicators in the textile fiber market. Cotton is compared with Polyester, Viscose, Nylon, Wool, and Acrylic. Prices are displayed in US$ per kilo. Price indices offer a comparison of the different fibers.
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Wool Prices In Australia and South Africa (Weekly)

Rebound in US dollar strengthens demand for wool. Our report provides a comprehensive analysis of wool prices in Australia and South Africa, encompassing most micron types, and is presented in Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD), and Euros (EUR). Additionally, historical data covering the past decade is available for download. RWS wool prices are available in South Africa.
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Modal and Lyocell Yarn Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell and Modal yarn prices have declined in the last four weeks in Asia. Our monthly report analyzes the market trends of Lyocell and Modal yarn in India and Pakistan over the past 12 months, featuring a comprehensive series of tables and charts. All the data is available for download.
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US Apparel Imports in 3rd Quarter 2024: Categories (Quarterly)

The third quarter saw a rebound in U.S. import volumes of cotton and MMF apparel due to declining unit prices. Our report encompasses US apparel imports within each category from the third quarter of 2019 to 2024. The data includes information on volume, value, and unit values over the past five years. Third-quarter data spanning from 2011 to 2024 are available for download.
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Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Viscose fiber prices show stability across Asian markets amid currency fluctuations. Our weekly viscose report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose yarns in China, India, and Pakistan are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
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Polyester Fibers: China, India, Pakistan  (Weekly)

Polyester prices are projected to decline amid a series of adverse market factors. Our weekly report provides a comprehensive picture of polyester staple fiber (PSF) and polyester filament yarn (POY, DTY, and FDY) markets in China, India, and Pakistan. The report offers weekly updated data in both local currencies and US dollars to make easy comparisons with our extensive price tables. All of the data is available for download.
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Spun Yarn Prices: Domestic Markets (Weekly)

Spun yarn prices decline globally as US dollar strengthens following Trump’s re-election. Our new weekly report provides a comprehensive analysis of the domestic spun yarn markets in China, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. To compare market trends across these four countries, we have selected benchmark indicators, including 30s carded cotton knitting and 40s combed cotton knitting, polyester-cotton, 100% polyester, and 100% viscose. All data are available for download.
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Spun Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)

The sharp depreciation of the renminbi following Trump's election is anticipated to influence international yarn prices. We explain why in our weekly report which details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
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