Sustainable Fiber Price Reports

Our Sustainable Fiber Price Reports cover Organic and BCI Cotton in India and Pakistan, Recycled Polyester in China, India, and Pakistan, and Modal and Lyocell in China, India, and Pakistan. The reports are released on a month basis.

Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Despite stable lyocell and modal fiber prices in China, India, and Pakistan, the global lyocell market is set for significant expansion, with production capacity expected to triple by 2030, while China remains dominant and India and Pakistan seek to reduce import reliance through domestic manufacturing growth. Our monthly report covers the Lyocell and Modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded. Read more...

Organic and BCI Cotton Prices (Monthly)

Organic cotton maintains a strong premium over BCI and conventional cotton, but overall prices continue to decline, reflecting broader market pressures and demand shifts. Our monthly report on organic and BCI cotton prices covers the latest market trends in India and Pakistan, including the price differences between sustainable and conventional cotton. Average monthly data are also released.
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Recycled Polyester Staple Fiber (Re-PSF) Prices (Monthly)

Recycled Polyester Staple Fiber (Re-PSF) prices have moved in different directions in the past weeks in China, India, and Pakistan. Our recycled polyester reports cover re-PSF in China, India, and Pakistan. Recycled fiber prices are compared with virgin fiber prices. An in-depth analysis is displayed to assess current and future market trends. Historical data are available for download.
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