Lyocell & Modal Fiber Reports

Our Lyocell & Modal Fiber Price Reports cover Lyocell and Modal in China, India, and Pakistan. The reports compare prices between these countries and between products, specifically contrasting Modal and Lyocell prices with those of Viscose Staple Fibers (VSF). The reports are released on a monthly basis.

Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell prices have experienced a fall in the past years in China. Our monthly report covers the Lyocell and Modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded. Read more...

Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell and Modal prices have moved in different directions over the past four weeks in Asia. Our monthly report covers the Lyocell and Modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded.
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Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell and Modal prices have moved slightly over the past four weeks in Asia. Our monthly report covers the Lyocell and Modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded.
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Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell prices moved in different directions over the past few weeks in China, India, and Pakistan. Modal stayed firm. Our monthly report covers the Lyocell and Modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded.
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Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell prices tend to fall in Asia, in line with a surge in production capacities. In contrast, Modal prices stay firm. Our new monthly report covers the lyocell and modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded.
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