Lyocell & Modal Fiber Prices (Monthly)

Lyocell prices have demonstrated stability in the last four weeks while modal prices have begun to move. Our monthly report covers the Lyocell and Modal prices in China, India, and Pakistan. Benchmark indicators are released in local currency terms and US dollars. Modal and Lyocell prices are compared with viscose in the three countries. Daily data over the last 12 months can be downloaded.

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Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Viscose prices are still forzen in China, due to factors analyzed by our weekly report. This report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose yarns in China, India, and Pakistan are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
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Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Viscose prices stayed firm across Asia despite emerging reports of potential weakness. Our weekly viscose report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose yarns in China, India, and Pakistan are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
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Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

The recent appreciation of the US dollar has driven up wood pulp prices in local currency terms, Our weekly viscose report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose yarns in China, India, and Pakistan are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
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Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

Viscose prices showed stability with minor fluctuations across Asian markets. Our weekly viscose report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose yarns in China, India, and Pakistan are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
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