Fiber Price Comparison provides the opportunity to compare fiber prices on a daily or monthly basis, with historical data spanning the last five years. We cover a wide range of commonly used fibers, including cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, spandex, wool, and acrylic.

In addition to our daily and monthly comparison tables, we regularly publish a substantial number of charts that showcase data from the past 12 months or the previous five-year period. Additionally, we offer price ratios that facilitate monthly fiber comparisons, including comparisons with average prices in the current month.

Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Natural fibers outperformed synthetics this week, with cotton and wool posting gains, viscose holding steady, and polyester and nylon showing continued weakness. Our weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.

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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Synthetic fiber prices fell on lower crude oil costs, with nylon 6 dropping sharply amid weak demand, while wool strengthened and cotton held steady. Our weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.

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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Cotton and wool prices rose this week, with wool maintaining its steady upward trend, while synthetic fibers remained weak—polyester and nylon declined, and viscose stayed stable. Our weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.

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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Textile fiber prices showed mixed trends this week, with cotton and synthetic fibers continuing to decline, viscose remaining stable, and wool strengthening as the best-performing fiber. Our weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.

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