Fiber Price Comparison provides the opportunity to compare fiber prices on a daily or monthly basis, with historical data spanning the last five years. We cover a wide range of commonly used fibers, including cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, spandex, wool, and acrylic.

In addition to our daily and monthly comparison tables, we regularly publish a substantial number of charts that showcase data from the past 12 months or the previous five-year period. Additionally, we offer price ratios that facilitate monthly fiber comparisons, including comparisons with average prices in the current month.

Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Textile fiber prices moved in different directions this week. Our weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.

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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Textile fiber prices have stopped declining in recent days, indicating a potential shift in market conditions. A newly released weekly report provides a detailed analysis of benchmark indicators within the textile fiber market. The report includes comparisons between cotton, polyester, viscose, nylon, wool, and acrylic, with prices displayed in US dollars per kilogram. Additionally, price indices are featured to offer a comparative view of the various fibers.

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Cotton & Polyester Price Comparison (Monthly)

The spread between cotton and polyester continued to narrow in December across China, India, and Pakistan. Our monthly report offers a detailed comparison of average cotton and PSF prices in China, India, and Pakistan, providing insights into both current and historical trends in the price disparity between cotton and polyester. It includes historical data covering the last 15 years, available for download.

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Textile Fiber Price Comparison (Weekly)

Our new weekly report offers a comprehensive view of the benchmark indicators in the textile fiber market. Cotton is compared with Polyester, Viscose, Nylon, Wool, and Acrylic. Prices are displayed in US$ per kilo. Price indices offer a comparison of the different fibers.

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