Wool and Acrylic Prices

This section offers a comprehensive view of the wool prices in Australia and acrylic prices in China.

Wool prices are released per micron types and per regional market in Australia (Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle). The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) is also published per micron category. Daily and historical data are avaiable in A$, US$ and euro terms.

Acrylic and acrylonitrile prices in China are available on daily and historical basis.

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Wool prices in Australia per micron category and per regional market (Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle). Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) per micron type. Prices in Australian dollar, US$ and euro terms. Weekly and historical data available for download.


Wool and acrylic fiber prices. Wool prices in Australia per regional market (Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle) and per micron category.

Acrylic fiber prices and acrylonitrile prices in China. Daily and historical data available for download.