Pakistan Fiber and Yarn Prices (Weekly)
Cotton yarn prices in Pakistan declined due to falling fiber costs, increased imports, and weak domestic demand, while export demand remained strong. Our weekly review offers a comprehensive overview of Pakistan's domestic and export yarn markets. It comprises price data for a range of yarn types, encompassing cotton yarns, polyester-cotton blends, polyester-viscose blends, polyester-spun yarns, and viscose-spun yarns. Data are accessible for download.
Spun Yarn Prices: Domestic Markets (Weekly)
Asian spun yarn markets remained stable this week, with minor fluctuations in cotton and polyester yarns, while viscose saw the strongest gains, particularly in India. Our weekly report provides a comprehensive analysis of the domestic spun yarn markets in China, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. To compare market trends across these four countries, we have selected benchmark indicators, including 30s carded cotton knitting and 40s combed cotton knitting, polyester-cotton, 100% polyester, and 100% viscose. All
US Apparel Imports in 4th Quarter 2024: Origins (Quarterly)
US apparel imports surged ahead of the rise in US import tariffs on China, with a few countries benefiting from the shift away from China. Our quarterly report provides comprehensive coverage of US apparel imports by origin, encompassing changes in volume, value, and unit value, along with market shares over the past five years. You can access and download quarterly data for the period from 2012 to 2024.
India Fiber and Yarn Prices (Weekly)
India's fiber and yarn market remained stable, with slight gains in synthetic yarns, steady cotton prices, and improved spinning margins amid uncertain export demand. Our newly designed tables offer a detailed overview of the Indian yarn market through benchmark indicators of 100% cotton, 100% polyester staple fiber (PSF), 100% viscose staple fiber (VSF), as well as poly-cotton and poly-viscose blends. The weekly report also tracks price trends for cotton, polyester, and viscose. Additionally, it
China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)
China’s fiber and yarn market remained stable as production resumed post-holiday, but weak demand, rising inventories, and U.S. tariffs kept price momentum restrained. Our yarn tables offer a comprehensive overview of market trends through a series of benchmark indicators. Our weekly report provides in-depth analysis of the cotton, polyester, and viscose markets across China. The report features detailed pricing data for both domestic and imported yarns, along with local market prices from Qianqing (Zhejiang).
Polyester Chain Prices in Asia (Weekly)
Despite weak crude oil prices, the polyester market saw cost-driven price increases due to strong PX and PTA performance, though sluggish demand and rising inventories may limit further gains. This report provides a comprehensive weekly analysis of the vertical polyester chain, offering detailed insights into price trends for key components such as paraxylene (PX), purified terephthalic acid (PTA), monoethylene glycol (MEG), polyester chips, staple fiber, and filament yarn. In addition to the analysis, the
Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly)
The global cotton market may face further disruptions as the U.S.-China tariff war may affect trade flows, further reducing Chinese imports, weakening U.S. exports, and strengthening Brazil’s market position. This report examines the factors contributing to this trend, offering an in-depth analysis of cotton futures markets in New York and China, alongside international price movements by origin. The report also evaluates the domestic cotton markets in key producing and consuming nations, including China, India,
Cotton Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison (Monthly)
January average cotton fiber prices declined in China and remained stable in India and Pakistan, while yarn prices saw smaller fluctuations. Our report compares the prices of cotton fiber and yarn in China, India, and Pakistan for both previous months and the current month. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date perspective on the yarn/fiber spreads in each country. Gross margins of domestic spinners are presented on a monthly basis. The historical data goes back