Our content covers fiber, yarn, and apparel prices, with a comprehensive price database and market reports that analyze the latest and future trends.
Apparel Prices
Our statistical reports display a comprehensive view of the market prices every week, month, or quarter, depending on the products. Market analysis offers prospects for future price trends.
Spun Yarn Prices: Domestic Markets (Weekly)
The Asian yarn market shows mixed performance across China, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh:. Our weekly report provides a comprehensive analysis of the domestic spun yarn markets in China, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. To compare market trends across these four countries, we have selected benchmark indicators, including 30s carded cotton knitting and 40s combed cotton knitting, polyester-cotton, 100% polyester, and 100% viscose. All data are available for download.
Polyester Fibers: China, India, Pakistan (Weekly)
A surge in crude oil prices has boosted polyester fiber prices. Our weekly report provides a comprehensive picture of polyester staple fiber (PSF) and polyester filament yarn (POY, DTY, and FDY) markets in China, India, and Pakistan. The report offers weekly updated data in both local currencies and US dollars to make easy comparisons with our extensive price tables. All of the data is available for download.
Spun Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)
India's export market for cotton yarn has experienced modest declines, reflecting subdued demand.. The report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
Bangladesh Yarn Market Prices (Monthly)
Yarn prices have rebouned in Bngladesh, boosted by the rise in business activities. Our monthly report covers the yarn prices in Bangladesh, including cotton carded and combed, poly-cotton, poly-viscose, 100% Polyester and 100% Viscose. Data on the cotton consumption and cotton fiber and yarn imports of Bangladesh provide further insight.
Our pricing coverage includes 32 database pages with more than 300 products being followed every day, week, and month. All data are available for download.