Our content covers fiber, yarn, and apparel prices, with a comprehensive price database and market reports that analyze the latest and future trends.
Apparel Prices
Our statistical reports display a comprehensive view of the market prices every week, month, or quarter, depending on the products. Market analysis offers prospects for future price trends.
Wool Prices In Australia and South Africa (Weekly)
Wool prices remained stable throughout the week despite elevated quantities. This report provides a detailed analysis of wool prices in both Australia and South Africa, covering a wide range of micron types. Prices are presented in Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD), and Euros (EUR). Historical data spanning the past decade is also available for download. Additionally, Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) prices are accessible for South African markets.
Viscose Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)
Viscose fiber prices slightly dropped over the past few weeks while spun yarn prices were resilient. This report offers an in-depth analysis of the viscose fiber markets in China, India, and Pakistan. Prices for 100% viscose yarns in China, India, and Pakistan are also displayed. Additionally, we provide monitoring of wood pulp prices in both the domestic and import markets of China. All the data is available for download.
Cambodia Apparel Exports (Country Report)
Apparel exports sharply rebounded from Cambodia in the past year, as reflected by our detailed data covering the third quarter. Our country report provides a detailed analysis of Cambodia's apparel export performance during this period, including volume, value, and unit value data segmented by product category and destination. A four-year dataset offers a comprehensive long-term perspective on export trends. All data are available for download.
Spun Yarn Prices: International Market (Weekly)
Cotton yarn prices stayed mostly stable on the international market. The report details the latest and long-term trends in the international yarn market, focusing on 100% cotton in China, India, and Pakistan. The report highlights various counts in both carded and combed cotton categories.
Our pricing coverage includes 32 database pages with more than 300 products being followed every day, week, and month. All data are available for download.