China Yarn Market Prices

Our China Yarn Price Database covers an extensive range of products on the domestic market, including 100% cotton, Poly-Cotton, Poly-Viscose, 100% polyester, and 100% viscose. Gross margins at spinning mills are calculated. We display the yarn price indexes as well as the local market prices in Qianqing (Zhejiang).

Import prices for cotton yarn are also available, with prices from different origins (India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Uzbekistan) and a comparison with domestic yarn prices.

All data is updated daily, and historical monthly prices from the past 15 years are also available. Both daily and historical data can be downloaded in CSV files.

China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

China's fiber and yarn market continues to face a fragile outlook, weighed down by weak demand, policy uncertainty, and external trade risks that exert downward pressure on prices. Each week, our report delivers in-depth analysis of China's cotton, polyester, and viscose markets, featuring detailed pricing data for both domestic and imported yarns. Our yarn tables provide a comprehensive overview of market trends through key benchmark indicators. It also includes local market prices from Qianqing (Zhejiang) and covers a wide range of products, including spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and various blends. The report is available for download.

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China Fiber & Yarn Prices (Weekly)

China’s fiber and yarn market remains under pressure, with stagnant cotton yarn prices, declining polyester fiber costs and weak demand raising concerns about further price declines, especially amid ongoing U.S. tariff impacts. Our yarn tables offer a comprehensive overview of market trends through a series of benchmark indicators. Our weekly report provides in-depth analysis of the cotton, polyester, and viscose markets across China. The report features detailed pricing data for both domestic and imported yarns, along with local market prices from Qianqing (Zhejiang). It covers a broad range of products, including spun cotton, polyester, viscose, and various blends, and is available for download.

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100% Cotton

Other than Cotton Yarns

100% Cotton

100% Polyester

65/35 Polyester-Cotton

80/20 Polyester-Cotton

65/35 Polyester-Vscose

100% Viscose

100% Conventional Cotton

100% Cotton